Exclusive number
Exclusive number
Gold, Silver or Platinum? Select a beautiful phone number of your choice, that will emphasize your status and will be easily remembered by your relatives and partners. Please note some limitation regarding rates and contract obligations.
One-time fee for a number is:
50 kUAH for an EXCLUSIVE number
9 kUAH. for a Platinum number – a number that has 4 or more consecutive identical digits not at the beginning or at the end of the number;
4 kUAH. for a Gold number – a number that has 3 consecutive identical digits, or in which the digits are in ascending / descending order;
300 UAH. for a Silver number - a number that has repeated combinations of digits or "mirror image" of digits:
150 UAH for any number of your choice – a number has any combination of digits, except for the combinations of a Platinum number, Gold number or Silver number.
Tariffs are given with VAT and PF.
The service is not charged, one-time fee.
Purchase an exclusive number and check availability via:
- in our online store
- calling at 0 800 50 1188 or 1188
- leaving the application in the form of feedback