Exclusive number
Exclusive number
Gold, silver or platinum? Select a beautiful phone number of your choice, that will emphasize your status and will be easily remembered by your relatives and partners.
One-time fee for a number is:
6000 UAH. for a Platinum number – a number that has 4 or more consecutive identical digits;
2000 UAH. for a Gold number – a number that has 3 consecutive identical digits, or in which the digits are in ascending / descending order;
300 UAH. for a Silver number - a number that has repeated combinations of digits or "mirror image" of digits:
150 UAH for any number of your choice – a number has any combination of digits, except for the combinations of a Platinum number, Gold number or Silver number.
Tariffs are given with VAT and PF.
The service is not charged.
Purchase an exclusive number is possible:
- in our online store
- calling at 0 800 50 1188
- leaving the application in the form of feedback